A Halloween Candy Charcuterie Board is perfect for either a Halloween party or movie night. Or make one after October 31 with all that leftover candy from trick or treating.

Halloween candy is something so familiar and usually in abundance as a kiddo. But when I stopped being able to trick or treat, honestly it was something I truly missed...so I started to just buy it for myself as I don't yet live in a house where we can give it out. I thought this year it would be fun to make this Halloween candy and treat board with all my favorites. This would also be great to do with excess candy you buy, candy leftover from passing out, or your kiddos candy. It's fun to mix in some salty items or even homemade treats too!
For my basics around building the perfect boards, check out this post Simple Charcuterie Board.
This would be great for a movie night or small party!
Table of Contents

How to Make a Candy Board
- Step 1: Pick a platter or board. I like choosing a fairly large one for something fun like this. I believe this one is from World Market or Home Goods.
- Step 2: After that, gather all your favorite candy! Something chocolate, something sour. I would suggest about 5-7 candies. I like to mix up sizes too, like smaller M&Ms or skittles that can fill in small gaps. I've used most of my favorite Halloween candies that I used to swap for: crispy and Halloween M&Ms, skittles, sour straws, sour patch kids, Tootsie Rolls, KitKats, Ghirardelli squares.
- Step 3: Choose some cookies or baked goods you'd like to add. I used Trader Joe's Baton Pumpkin Spice Rolled Wafer Cookies and the best Oreos...Halloween Oreos! Halloween graphic side up! But home baked goods would be fun too. I'll link some below!
- Step 4: In addition to sweets, I like to add in salty snacks! For some reason I've always really loved the Halloween pretzels. But popcorn would also be a great add.
- Step 5: Assemble! I always like to start by adding in anything in a bowl. Here I've added sprinkles first. You can also add in candy this way. Then add in the bigger pieces like baked goods/cookies, then add in medium sized treats, and finish off with your small things like M&Ms or Skittles than can also fill in gaps.
- Step 6: Then decorate. Add in some gold painted spiders, paper bats, flowers, etc. Make it unique!

FAQs about Halloween Candy Board
A few key tips. Pick a color scheme, add in some extra fun pieces like fake spiders/bats/etc., and more is more!
Of course! Just choose items that fit that diet.

Other Halloween Recipes and Activities to Try
- Small Batch Black Velvet Cupcakes
- Pumpkin Maple Poptarts
- Oatmeal Cookie Sandwiches
- Spooky Cranberry Sparkler Cocktails
- A Virtual Halloween Party
- Pumpkin Scones
- An Elegant and Witchy Tablescape
- Simple Charcuterie Board
- Halloween Tablescape

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Talejay says
Hi,can you send me some of these
Amanda Wilens says
Hi there. This isn't a service I offer. But you can use the post to help you build your own 🙂